Elections of CMA Indonesian Branch

The elections of the Indonesian Branch of ICMA was held in Jakarta for the 2016 Year.


The Following are the office Bearers for the Year 2016:

Advisory Board: Heru Muara Sidik, Ak., CMA, CA. (Chairman) A. Agus Susanto, BA, CMA and Herwan Ng, Ak, CPA, CIA, CMA, CTP, PMP, ERMCP, CertIFR, CA, CPA. (Members)

Executive Board: Ir. Joni Pathibang, MBA, CMA, QIA (President); Stephen Then, MBA, CMA, CPA (Secretary): Henry Waidan Frederick, SE,MM, CertIFR, CMA (Treasurer); Toni Darmawan, SE, M.Si, Ak, CPA, CMA, CA, CertIFR, CSA, CIMBA (Head of Development Members & Organizations); and Ratna Utami, SE, MM, CertIFR, CMA; David Kiki Baringin MT Samosir, SE, MM, CMA; and Santi Yopie, S.E, MM, CMA (Members)

Other Sections:

Continuing Professional Training

Edy Santoso, SE, MBA, Ak, CA, CMA, CRMP (Head) with Anita Widyastuty, SE, CMA, Ak, CA, CPA; Alphieza Syam, SE. M.Ak, CMA, ERMAP, CAC; Drs. Danny Wibowo, MM, Ak, CMA, BKP, CA, CPAI (Members)

Research, Partnerships and Business

Dr. Rovila El Maghviroh, M.Si, Ak, CA, CMA, CIBA. (Head) with Bambang Hermanto, SE, MM, MBA, CMA, CIBA; Mohammad Syaifuddin Ali Sahidu, SE, Ak, CA, CMA, CIBA; Sulis Rochayatun, SE, Ak, CA, CMA, CIBA; Doddy Affandy, SE, CMA, CIBA (Members).

Information & Communication

Daniel Godwin Sihotang, SE, Ak, CA, CMA, CIBA (Head) with Andi Rahardja, SE, Ak, CA, CMA, MM, MBA; Tri Gunawan Bayu Aji, SE, Ak, CA, CMA, MM, CFM, CIBA; Imanesa Haque Dinasti, SE, CMA (Members)


Ikin Solikhin, ST, MBA, FRM, SAS, CFP, ICC, CFP, CTP, CMA (Head of Chapter Jakarta)

Pauline Permatasari, SE, M.Ak, CMA (Head of Chapter Bandung).

Drs. Basuki, MCom (Hons), PhD, Ak, CMA, CA (Head of Chapter Surabaya)

About Prof Janek Ratnatunga 1129 Articles
Professor Janek Ratnatunga is CEO of the Institute of Certified Management Accountants. He has held appointments at the University of Melbourne, Monash University and the Australian National University in Australia; and the Universities of Washington, Richmond and Rhode Island in the USA. Prior to his academic career he worked with KPMG.
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