Integrated Reporting & Sustainability: A Note on Perceptions of the Accounting Profession

By Carol A. Tilt, Maria Xydias-Lobo, Flavia Rodricks, Giao Reynolds 

This study provides a preliminary investigation of perceptions of Integrated Reporting (IR) in Australia, as a developed country and leader in this area, and Hong Kong as an Asian country with an advanced capital market. The study compares the perceptions of IR readiness and acceptance in Australia and in Hong Kong through interviewing accounting professional associations and firms regarding their awareness of, and attitudes towards, IR. In particular, this study considers the perceptions of interviewees about the relationship between IR and Sustainability Reporting. Findings of the study suggest that the profession is taking a narrow, and explicitly financial, interpretation of the IIRC framework and does not consider it to be a replacement for other types of reporting.

Keywords: Australia; Hong Kong; Integrated Reporting; Sustainability Reporting


About Prof Janek Ratnatunga 1129 Articles
Professor Janek Ratnatunga is CEO of the Institute of Certified Management Accountants. He has held appointments at the University of Melbourne, Monash University and the Australian National University in Australia; and the Universities of Washington, Richmond and Rhode Island in the USA. Prior to his academic career he worked with KPMG.
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