There are no Rules in Job Search

There are no rules in job search.  Great manipulators and spruikers often get the job offers!

Too often, the most qualified candidates miss out because they are unaware of the how to conduct a successful job search.  People may be highly skilled in their profession/trade, but that does not make them skilled in a job search.

A job search is all about strategies, tactics and PLAYING THE GAME…you have to beat all other candidates, with “the winner takes all” always being the outcome.


  • Don’t listen to your parents or friends
  • The recruitment process has changed dramatically
  • Networking is the best option to get around a cruel and punishing process
  • Never under value yourself, know your worth and potential
  • Let a career coach guide your through the new recruitment ecosystem
  • Always have a 3-5 year career plan that is your objective

A job search is like a fifty-piece jig jaw puzzle…you have to have fifty pieces fitting perfectly to get the job you want.  It is a complex and frustrating journey that most people are completely unprepared for.

Source: Associated Career Management Australia

About Prof Janek Ratnatunga 1129 Articles
Professor Janek Ratnatunga is CEO of the Institute of Certified Management Accountants. He has held appointments at the University of Melbourne, Monash University and the Australian National University in Australia; and the Universities of Washington, Richmond and Rhode Island in the USA. Prior to his academic career he worked with KPMG.
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